0x801C869C 1C8690 1C8940 ramza support ability 0x801C86AB ramza first equipment byte 07c02bb4 07c01ac0 JAL 0x120fe0 0x801f05e2 0x801f062a 0x801CD20C current skill menu 0CD236A4 AT 129C88 Scroll JP Glitch Fix WORLD.BIN 0x00129C74 1D80013C 4CD52294 21100202 F8D12490 7C000334 02006410 0CD236A4 0CD222A4 00140200 03140200 24D82384 0x00129CB4 00000000 0x8005976C genji shields jal 0x0002230C r2 = base value c3 88 03 08 RNG Random Number Generator RNG Location in ram: 0xA0009010 How to call the RNG routine: JAL 0x0002230C r1, r2, and r3 will be overwritten in the process r3 : will become the 32bit random number based on the RNG's value. r2 : will become the 8bit signed half-word based on the upper 16 bits of r3. r1 : will become 0xA001000 because of the RNG word calling. 0x80192507 Agrias Jump 0x1f800002 stored jump x2 0x80174820 02004230 03004010 21202002 1F001034 21202002 FF000232 40100200 03004224 0x1F8001C9 current height? 0x800578D4 Next event 0x8009F254 World Map location 6cb68 - 8e2e0 0x80097248 - 0x0120 unknown table offset 0x80097354 - 0x07EE stored at 0x800d4648 0x80097240 - d400 0x80097308 0x800977EE 0x80097248 0x80097354 0x800d4650 0x80097a22 0x80097a24 0x80097a26 0x800FD54C current event breakpoint 0x801FFE64 0x801FFE30 store curernt pos? 0x80197898 cursor